Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Who needs your help?
"They are mostly the rural poor living in developing countries – like villages in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean – who are mostly dependent on raising animals or cultivating crops on small pieces of land for basic nutrition needs. Those without land can be even hungrier: widows, orphans, the elderly, casual labourers, refugees. These rural poor don’t have access to steady income, so they can’t supplement their nutrition needs by buying enough food. They often move to the city in search of work, which can be scarce and poorly paid. Little income means little means to buy food at local markets. Women are often most affected, and women who are undernourished during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to undernourished children. When catastrophes like floods, earthquakes and droughts hit vulnerable countries, the poor are forced to abandon their homes and livelihoods, creating even morevictims of hunger."

This is such a critical and serious issue that doesn't need to be told over and over again as everyone around the world, young and old are already well aware of it. What we do need is for everyone to come together, unite and at least attempt to help ease this situation for those who can't speak up for themselves. It only takes one minute of your time - it's quicker than sending a text message, making a cup of coffee or sending an email. All you need to do is sign your name for the petition.

It takes one minute to do but a whole world to come together and be heard. Please lend them your voice.